Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Some Interesting Historical Dates

(To see reviews of my book about electronics, please go
to the bottom of this long page.)
From Encyc. Brit., and www.wikipedia.org,
and various recently written books.
[Square brackets indicate that there's
no independent evidence for stories.]
By Dan Shanefield
Representational art (caves) ..35,000 BC
Ceramic (Vestonice Venus)...26,000 BC
Dogs tamed (for hunting) ... 13,000 BC
Pleistocene ice age ended.. 12,000 BC
Agriculture (neolithic era) .. 11,000 BC
Cats tamed (against mice) .. 7,500 BC
Oxen tamed (for plowing, etc.) . 7,000 BC

(Note the tremendous progress from
4,000 to 3,000 BC ! This was where the
Tigris & Euphrates deltas, and the uphill
slope toward Iran, caused wide variety of
plants & animals that could be domesticat-
ed, according to "Guns, Germs, and Steel,"
by Jared Diamond, Norton, N.Y., 1999.)

Cities (Erbil, Mesopotamia) .... 4,000 BC
Copper .............................. 4,000 BC
Wheels (Mesopotamia)........ 4,000 BC
Writing (Mesopotamia)......... 3,500 BC
Bronze (copper, plus 10%tin).... 3,300 BC
Horses tamed ............... 2,500 BC
Aryans invaded India.... 2,000 BC
Sanskrit....................... 2,000 BC
Glass .......................... 2,000 BC
[Hindu "Veda"] written ......... 1,800 BC
Hammurabi Laws (Babylon)... 1,700 BC

(Note that both Old & NewTestam. stories
had been written in neighboring countries
1,000 years before either Bible was written.
See "Ugarit" & "Zoroaster" in Encyc. Brit.)

Ugarit [Old Testament stories] .. 1,300 BC
[Abraham].................... 1,300 BC
Shasu tribe [Yahweh] ...... 1,300 BC
Phonetic writing (Phoenicia)... 1,200 BC
Iron (Hittites, 4% carbon) ........... 1,200 BC
Steel (Cyprus, 1% carbon).............1,100 BC
Zoroaster [New Testament Stories]..1,000 BC
[Moses, Exodus, Joshua]...... 1,000 BC
Josiah's scribes wrote [OldTestamt.]...620 BC
Confucius......................... 500 BC
Gautama Buddha.............. 500 BC
[Ramayana] written .......... 300 BC
Voting (among wealthy Greeks)..500 BC
Alexander.............................. 325 BC
Aristotle (logic) ..................... 350 BC
Euclid (geometry & logic).... 300 BC
Carthage (all killed, bldgs. flattened)..146 BC
Caesar.............................. 50 BC
------[Jesus]-------------------- Zero AD
Constantine (Rome Christianized)..300AD
Byzantine Empire........... 400 AD
Mohammed.................... 500 AD
"China"porcelain (Tang dynasty)..600 AD
Uighurs invaded Turkey ......... 700 AD
Magyars invaded Hungary .... . 900 AD
Chalemagne (Saxons Christianized)..800 AD
Alfred Of England (Vikings were Christianized
and stopped raiding) ...................900 AD
Beowulf ......................... 1000 AD
Norman Conquest of England.......1066 AD
Renaissance (old knowledge & trade)..1100
Genghis Khan Empire .......... 1210
Guns.............................. 1300
Plague (Black Death)......... 1350
Chaucer .......................... 1350
Martin Luther (ProtestantReformation)..1500
Ottoman Empire........... 1500
Galileo (experimentalism).....1600
Newton (mathematical physics) .... 1700
European porcelain............. 1710
Watt (industrial revolution) ........ 1750
U.S.A. (broad-based democracy) ... 1776
Eli Whitney (Yale 1792): "Mass Produc-
.....-tion" of interchangeable parts......1798
Pasteur (germs, vaccines)........... 1870
Edison (practical electricity) ........ 1880
Einstein (counter-intuitive physics).....1905
Transistor (electronics revolution).....1948
USSR (20 million killed).......... 1922 to 1991
Communist China (30 million killed)..1949---
Double-Blind Audio Test (by DJS)...... 1974
"Meme" (Richard Dawkins)..... 1976
Hamah, Syria(25K killed, bldgs.flattened).1982


600 BC... Celts (speaking Gaelic) occupied
arc from northern Turkey, up through
France (Gaul), over to Ireland. Tempor-
arily conquered by Rome, then split up.

400 AD... Goths, from Sweden (Gothenberg)
and northern Germany, went south in
various temporary streams, into Italy and
Spain, and even into northern Africa.

800 AD... Vikings, from Norway and Denmark
in various streams, temporarily went into
England and elsewhere, becoming the
royalty and nobles of Normandy and Russia.

For more about Old and New Testam. stories
(1300 and 1000 BC, Ugarit and Zoroaster),
see my essay at http://oldnnew2.blogspot.com.


To see my essay "Four Famous Frauds," click on "4FRAUDS" below:


To read about the author of this, search google for "shanefield" and then click on "CV" near the top.


For technorati tags:

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Easy-to-understand book for electronics beginners

To see two reviews, that say the book is unusually easy to read,
and also very easy to understand,
please click on colored word below:


To see the author's resume (CV),
although it's not as interesting as the reviews,
just click on the colored word below: